Thursday, December 2, 2010
Card of the Day - Crevice Into the Different Dimension
Wikia Page:
Using the concepts of Zombie-Type monsters, the graveyard has a lot of surprises when it comes to Special Summons. Similar to Zombie gameplay, cards such as Glow-up Bulb, can summon themselves from the graveyard with little cost to the player. Of course, this strategy is used for reversals.
CREVICE INTO THE DIFFERENT DIMENSION is a Trap card introduced in The Shining Darkness. This card has been included in almost every Side Deck of any kind of deck. Why? Due to its ability to Remove From Play two monsters with the same Attribute from either graveyard.
Since most meta decks run 1 specific Attribute (eg. Lightsworns are LIGHT, Infernities are DARK, or X-sabers are EARTH), this handy trap card can do some major damage to these decks. Since most 1-Attribute type decks uses Special Summoning from the graveyard, Crevice will cripple these decks into submission.
Trivia: The "rainbow" being sucked into the "crevice" is most likely referring to the different Attributes of the game. (eg. Yellow = LIGHT, Red = FIRE, Purple = DARK, Green = WIND, etc.)
Image from:
Monday, November 29, 2010
Card of the Day - Miracle Synchro Fusion
Wikia Page:
Before Synchro summoning was introduced, Fusion Monsters served useful and easy to summon. They have great effects that can equal or even be better than of the Synchros. The only difference between the two is, Fusion Monsters require the use of a certain Spell Card that can perform Fusion Summoning. (eg. Polymerzation, Future Fusion, etc.) Of course, with the exception of Gladiator Beast and Neos Fusions due to the fact that they can perform fusion without these spells. This is known as Contact Fusion. But what if we combine both?
MIRACLE SYNCHRO FUSION is the latest fusion spell card introduced in Duelist Revolution. Similar to Miracle Fusion (for Elemental Heroes), this card is used to perform a Fusion summon using Synchro monsters as materials. One scenario where this card can be used is when, for example, Iron Chain Dragon got destroyed and sent to the graveyard. If there is a Warrior type monster on the graveyard, a player can use Miracle Synchro Fusion to summon Dragon Knight Dracoequeste, which is a 3200ATK beatstick to pull a reversal.
Along with the release of this card comes the first evolution of combining monsters. Few of these monsters are Dragon Knight Dracoequeste, Ultimate Axon Kicker, and Supreme Arcanite Magician.
Trivia: Yusei performed a Fusion summon with Stardust Dragon and Junk Warrior to create Dragon Knight Dracoequeste. This caught Jean of Team Unicorn by surprise; not knowing Yusei would Fusion Summon.
Image from
Trivia from
Friday, November 26, 2010
Who is Team Intimidation?
Name: Mark
Deck Name: Blackwings
Variant: Standard
Player Level: Master
About Me: Leader of TI, RC-1 Certified
Name: JiBs
Deck Name: Lightsworns
Variant: Kristyasworn
Player Level: Master
About Me: Team's Duel Trainer, RC-1 Certified
Name: Paustin
Deck Name: Gladiator Beasts
Variant: PrismaGladiators
Player Level: Expert
About Me: Team's Deck Mechanic, Strategist
Name: Tier
Deck Name: Monarchs
Variant: MacroMonarch
Player Level: Expert
About Me: Team's Researcher, Surveyist
Name: Karl
Deck Name: Dragons
Variant: SOL Dragon
Player Level: Expert
About Me: Team's Trickster
Name: Reis
Deck Name: Six Samurai
Variant: Standard
Player Level: Expert
About Me: "The New Guy"
Feel free to message us using our chatbox on the left. Welcome to our site!
C4 2010 YGO Open Tournament Report
This is an Open Tournament, where people get to duel whoever they want just to get records.
Anyways here are the results:
Reis 5W-0L-1D (Deck: Six Samurai)
- vs. Spellcasters (win)
- vs. "random" (win)
- vs. PrismaGlads (win)
- vs. "another random" (win)
- vs. Hopeless Dragon (draw "interrupted")
- vs. Zombies (win)
Paustin 4W-1L-1D (Deck: PrismaGlads)
- vs. Spellcasters (win)
- vs. Synchro (win)
- vs. Hopeless Dragon (win)
- vs. Six Samurai (lose)
- vs. Dragon (win)
- vs. Kristyasworn (never happened LOL)
Jibs 4W-0L-2D (Deck: Kristyasworn)
- vs. random (win)
- vs. dark (win)
- vs. sphinx (win)
- vs. hopeless dragon (win)
- vs. Six Samurai (never happened)
- vs. PrismaGlads (never happened)
General Comments:
- people were ranged from Intermediate to Advance Level only.
- gained little experience for future tournaments.
- the complete Hopeless Dragon Deck was the best challenge in the tournament.
We decided to exchange records just for the heck of it. We should've just stood on the table and said "We are Team Intimidation! Remember it!!" >=D
Card of the Day - Battle Fader
Wikia Page:
In today's meta, the classic "OTK" or One Turn Kill has been the cause of most game winning duels. For example, when Blackwings take control of your backrow with Delta-Crow Antireverse, and then swarms with up to 5 monsters for an OTK. Without a backrow, most players can't do anything because almost every time, those face-down cards were their only hope.
BATTLE FADER is a handy little effect monster introduced in Absolute Powerforce. It has the ability to special summon itself and end the Battle Phase when your opponent declares a direct attack. By doing so, you can pull off a possible reversal because your opponent failed to kill you and probably over-extended their resources.
This card was not only used to save a player from getting destroyed by 4-5 monsters. Battle Fader is a level 1 non-tuner DARK monster as well. It can serve as a free star for a Synchro summon, or a free sacrifice for a Tribute Summon. Although, once it leaves the field, it is removed from play.
With this card released in TCG, Yu-Gi-Oh!(tm) gameplay have reached new levels of tactics even with an empty field.
Trivia: Battle Fader is Jack Atlas' reversal card when he dueled Dark Signer Carly in Episode 59. Since the Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu declared a direct attack, he then used this card, along with Red Dragon Archfiend and Majestic Dragon to successfully summon Majestic Red Dragon.
Image from
Trivia from
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Card of the Day - Shooting Star Dragon
Card Name: Shooting Star Dragon
Wikia Page:
Performing basic Synchro summoning is no sweat to most duelists. You can even Synchro summon without doing much or costing you a Normal Summon. But how "good" can a typical Synchro Type deck perform?
SHOOTING STAR DRAGON is the introduced and is the cover card of Starstrike Blast. It is one of the newly released Cosmic Synchro monsters - which are evolved and more powerful version of their original Synchro counterparts.
In the anime, Shooting Star Dragon can be summoned by ACCEL SYNCHRO - in which a duelist achieves a Clear Mind and tremendous amount of speed (on a motorcycle). But since we can't ride a motorcycle and duel people... Accel Synchro can be performed by using a Tuner Synchro Monster. As of this format, FORMULA SYNCHRON is the only Tuner Synchro monster in TCG.
Shooting Star Dragon has 3 devastating effects. It can attack up to 5 times depending on how many tuners you revealed, it can negate a card-destroying effect without any cost once, and it can negate an attack during the Battle Step.
Is it worth the summon? Yes and No.
YES because its not that hard to summon (eg. Starlight Road + Kinka-byo + any level 1). The effects will serve useful during mid duels.
NO: depending on what deck you are using, "teching" Shooting Star Dragon will be very difficult to pull off. (eg. Lightsworns - who only use synchro summoning for emergency situations most of the time).
Trivia: Shooting Star Dragon is Yusei's new Cosmic Synchro Monster. He summoned it for the first time against Primo (Placido) once he attained Clear Mind.
Image from
Trivia from:
Monday, November 22, 2010
Card of the Day - Solemn Warning
Friday, November 19, 2010
Card of the Day - Intercept Wave
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Card of the Day - Glow-Up Bulb
Wikia Page:
Yu-Gi-Oh! has evolved from normal monsters, to effect monsters, then to "destructive" effect monsters and finally, Effect Monsters that can activate from anywhere else, besides the field at will.
GLOW-UP BULB is one of the cards released in Starstrike Blast. This tiny little plant type monster has been very popular the second it was announced to be released in TCG. It has the ability to special summon itself without a -1 cost for the player (milling 1 card is hardly a -1 but actually +1 or even +2 for most meta decks). Besides the free summon, this little guy is also a level 1 tuner. This card is probably one of the best, splashable tuners next to Plaguespreader Zombie - the fact that PSZ is a level 2 which is more reasonable than a level 1 and its a DARK type monster.
The card being splashable, decks like Infernities, Lightsworn, Dark World work wonders with this card. Because its a plant tuner, this card grants BLACK ROSE DRAGON's 2nd effect to all non-plant decks that synchro and go in for the kill; instead of the usual "blow up the field" option.
With MONSTER REBORN and CALL OF THE HAUNTED available, Glow-up Bulb can be used multiple times without removing it from play, unlike Plaguespreader Zombie; ignoring the "this effect can only used once per duel." Of course, being a plant type, plant decks will abuse this card - even more abusive than Infernity Launcher.
Expect this card to show up almost every time in every deck you face. There is also a chance this card might end up limited in the next format due to its splashability and versatility.
Trivia: This card was originally used by Akiza Izayoi in the episode where she used Glow-up Bulb to summon Stardust Dragon against Andore of Team Unicorn.
Image from
Trivia from
Posting Rules and Steps
I. General Post Skeleton
1. Title (a formal title, you can goof off the wording in the content)
2. Introduction
3. Content (be as creative as you can!)
4. Labels
- located below the content box.
- used for archieving materials; making them easy to find when needed.
- you are only going to use the following: EXACTLY how its worded.
- Anouncements
- Dueling
- Card List
- Facts/Trivia
- Records
- Discussions
- Rate/Fix
- Notes
- Other (if you think it doesn't fit any of the above categories)
II. Posting Rules
1. Write interesting and YGO related materials only! All your other arguments/spams stay on facebook.
2. State your references, especially for Facts/Trivias. Only personal opinions/discussions do not require references.
3. This is a public blogsite, anyone in the world can view this. Don't give our team a bad reputation. Refrain from commenting about other people or group in particular. (eg. Don't say anything like "oh this guy from the tourney sucks!")
Further updates on rules and regulations will be noted in the future. Thank you!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Team Discussions
This is where we should talk about card games and training plannings. This is what this blog is for. So instead of annoying facebook alerts, we could just check the site out maybe once or twice.
Possible Posts:
-interesting facts
-how did your duel go with your friends today?
-when should we meet up?
-cards you need? We'll find it!
-card lists? We'll fix it!
I'm not sure if this blog will survive since we all have lives now unlike before where we sold our souls to card games.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Welcome to Team Intimidation!
Team Intimidation is a Yu-Gi-Oh! Dueling team that helps improve the skills of our members in order to be competitive in the game.
We join Local tournaments in the neighbourhood, and soon, we will work our way to winning it all!
This blog contains the team's discussions, video duels, and other Yu-Gi-Oh! related stuff.
Enjoy your visit to our blog site! =D